Get in touch

We are always available to answer your questions about the system.

Contact Information

We are always happy to answer any questions you have about the system, whether they are about its features, pricing, or implementation. We are also here to help you troubleshoot any problems you are having with the system and provide training on how to use it. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Accountly?

Accountly is a a cloud-based ERP meant to support small and midsized organizations in Middle East, is a gateway to achieve a business’ goals and potential.

What is your pricing model?

We provide a flexible monthly/ annual subscription model that differs based on the number of modules, the number of fields, and in-office users in addition to customization. 

What if I decide to change a plan from monthly to annually and back?

We understand that your business needs may change over time, so we offer the flexibility to switch between monthly and annual subscriptions. This means that you can choose the plan that best suits your needs at any given time.

Is it possible to migrate my data from my current system to Accountly?

Yes, we offer migration tools that allow you to keep your data in Accountly and view it anytime, anywhere. You can import your exported Excel (.xls, .xlsx) files into our onboarding tools.

How we can subscripe?

Feel free to contact us on above form and we will get back to you directly 

Do you plan on adding more features in the future?

Yes, we are constantly working on adding new features to Accountly. We want to make sure that Accountly is the best accounting software on the market, and we believe that adding new features is the best way to do that.

Ready to get started?

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